Breaking News
Sunday 1 April 2012

Info Post
Anthrax or anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by bacteria Bacillus anthracis and is deadly in its most virulent. Anthrax most commonly affects wild herbivore, herbivores, and that has been tamed, but can also infect humans due to exposure to animals that have been afflicted, the infected animal tissue, or high levels of anthrax spores. Nevertheless, until now no human cases contracted through touch or contact with people who suffer from anthrax. Anthrax means "coal" in Greek, and the term is used because the skin will turn black victims.
Anthrax infections are rare but the same does not apply to herbivores, herbivores such as cattle, goats, camels, and antelopes. Anthrax can be found all over the world. The disease is more common in developing countries or countries without public health programs for animal diseases. Some areas of the world (South and Central America, Southern and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Middle East) report more anthrax incident on animals than humans.

There are four types of anthrax are:

skin anthrax
anthrax in the digestive tract
anthrax in the lung
anthrax meningitis
TransmissionAnthrax commonly transmitted to humans because due to exposure to the work of a sick animal or the farm such as skin and meat, or eating the meat of animals infected with anthrax. In addition, transmission can also occur when a person inhaling the spores of a sick animal products such as dried skin or fur. Workers who are infected to dead animals and animal products from countries where anthrax is common can be infected with B. anthracis, and anthrax in farm wildlife can be found in the United States. Although many workers are contracted to the amount of anthrax spores that many, many show no symptoms.
Way of transmittalAnthrax can enter the body through the small intestine, lungs (inhalation), or skin (through injury). Anthrax is not spread through human possible to man.Some of the symptoms of anthrax (gastrointestinal type) are nausea, dizziness, vomiting, no appetite, increased body temperature, vomiting with blood, black bowel movements, abdominal pain is very great (twisting) or (for skin type) such as ulcerative after eating or processing of meat from sick animals anthrax. Meat is exposed to anthrax has the following characteristics: black, slimy, smelly.
SymptomSymptoms can appear within 12 hours - 5 days after exposure to the bacteria.Skin infection begins as a red-brown lumps that swell with swelling around it. Bumps turn into blisters and harden, then break off and remove the center clear liquid and form a black scab.
Lymph nodes in the affected area may swell, and the patient felt unwell, sometimes muscle pain, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting.
Pulmonary anthrax (woolsorter disease) caused by inhaling spores of anthrax bacteria.Spores divide within the lymph nodes located near the lungs. Lymph nodes and then broken and bleeding, infection spread to nearby structures in the chest. In the lungs and in the cavity between the lung and chest wall buried in the infected fluid.At first, symptoms are vague and resemble the flu. But later, the fever gets worse and occurs within a few days severe respiratory disorders, followed by shock and coma. Also can an infection of the brain and the membranes (meningoencephalitis).
Even if given early treatment, the type of anthrax is almost always fatal.Terjadi.Bakteri rare gastrointestinal anthrax can grow into the intestinal wall and releasing toxins that cause extensive bleeding and tissue death.If it spreads to the bloodstream, the infection can be fatal
TreatmentSkin infections are treated with injections of penicillin or tetracycline or erythromycin with per-oral route.Lung infection were treated with intravenous penicillin.Corticosteroids are used to reduce lung inflammation.If treatment is delayed (usually because the diagnosis is uncertain), then the likely death will occur.
PreventionPeople who have a high risk of contact with animals (eg veterinarians, technicians and workers laboratoriuim textile mills that process animal fur) can get a vaccination
Read more: # ixzz1qmvIPmX4


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