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Monday 16 April 2012

Info Post
We live with a trusted assumptions for granted. For example, that a religious person is presumed it must be good. Or a rich person is presumed would be economically smart. But often the assumption is not necessarily true. Before trusting a supposition, it helps us examine the first assumption. In the year 2012, we need to use the paradigm of "not necessarily", before it wrong, or even deceived.
The rich do not necessarily smart. Many rich people, because of inheritance. He could also win the lottery, win gambling, cheating, or corruption, and become rich. There is no definite relationship between wealth and intelligence.
In Indonesia, the rich are often considered to be intelligent people. Their opinions were listened to, not because it's true opinion, but because the talk is of the rich. Even the rich easily be nominated as members of the DPR / DPRD not because he is worthy, but simply because he is rich. And as I said before, many rich people get their wealth from inheritance, or from other sources that do not require intelligence.

Then we need to apply the paradigm of "not necessarily" in view of the rich. We need to stop idolize the rich, because they are not necessarily true, and their views do not necessarily contain. The rich are human, and humans can be wrong, so the rich can go wrong. We must not be fooled.
The rich do not necessarily be good. Beyond donations, he often had ulterior motives are not always noble. He often had a political agenda or deceptive business. There is no definite relationship between wealth and generosity.
In Indonesia the rich, especially when it contributes, directly considered a good person. Various positive stamp affixed to them are naive, especially when the praise of the rich treasure-splattered. An abundance of money to cover a critical attitude. Then people are blind to the rich, when he was smeared by the abundant treasure. "Go forward undaunted to defend the pay", as they say.
We need to apply the paradigm of "not necessarily" in the link between wealth and kindness. The rich may not be good, although it seems many people either by donating. We must not be fooled, though lured treasure abound.
Religion and the degree
Religious people are also not necessarily good. Guise of religion can also be used to cover up the crime that he did. He wants to appear holy to cover bad actions that have been conducted or are planned. There is no definite relationship between people who are good with people.
In Indonesia, religious people must be morally good. So people are afraid to no religion. Specific institutions often use the name of a particular religion, although it is far from good things. Religion simply equated with goodness, never critically considered.
We also have to apply the paradigm of "not necessarily" in the link between religious status with good properties. It was obvious that people of faith, whatever he serajin worship, not necessarily a good person. We must not be fooled by religious slogans, the robes that seemed sacred, religious titles, and expertise to quote scriptures, but dare to learn to see what's behind it.
Person holds an academic term, such as doctoral professor, not necessarily smart people. Often they are the ones who worked as a lecturer for decades, but it does not produce quality works that enlighten the public in the areas of expertise. In other words, the academic degree is a degree of formality that often do not always reflect the intelligence of the people who wear them.
In Indonesia title is everything. The more his title then he will be even considered a genius by his environment. Stay tuned with what he said with admiration, though it may not exist. The title displayed in public forums, seemed unsure of himself by the name his parents had been given.
Length titled people "not necessarily" smart and good moral behavior. Paradigm "not necessarily" we also need to apply in respect of persons who hold long. We must not be fooled by the guise of a person subject to a degree, and need to really learn to see what really lies behind them.
Polite person is not necessarily good. Often he was covered with a malicious intent that looks good manners. Soft words issued to provide cover for a malicious intent to remain hidden behind the words. Modesty is just a mask of something that was clearly behind it.
In Indonesia people infatuated with manners. Modesty directly considered as a sign of goodness. Soft words are considered very important, no matter what the ulterior motive behind it. Appearance and manners is a measure for the good of man.
Paradigm "not necessarily" need to be implemented to see politeness. What is clear is not necessarily a good decent person. Let us not be fooled, because it just stunned to see etiquette and manners, but blind to the original character that is often hidden behind it.
Litany of "Not Sure"
There is much more a litany of "not necessarily" in our lives. Poor people are not necessarily stupid. Poor people are not necessarily unhappy. He could have been poor, because gullible people, or as a trick of life without purpose. He could have been poor, because he was happy with the simplicity of life, and would not be a slave to the material. There are many possibilities.
Parents are not necessarily wise, because he could seldom draw lessons from the experience of his life. Young people do not necessarily do not know anything, because he could have dug a very reflective in the lessons of life experiences. There are many possibilities.
People who behave in unusual is not necessarily sick or crazy. It could be because he is a very creative person, who could see the world from a unique angle, that is not owned by other people. And vice versa; sane person is not necessarily healthy. He could cover his madness with normal behavior. The majority of serial killers and rapists are people who seem normal day-to-day.
Renowned institutions is not necessarily quality. Well-known school is not necessarily good quality education. Major universities are not necessarily able to educate properly. Big companies do not necessarily provide the employee satisfaction and happiness as well as consumers. There are many other possibilities we have to consider further.
People bearded, turbaned, and look vicious are not necessarily terrorists. Similarly, neatly dressed man is not necessarily a good person. Batak people (sorry) is not necessarily a lawyer. The Chinese (sorry) not necessarily be a trader. There are many other possibilities that need our attention.
Qualified person may not be able to able to work and have good character. And the reverse is also true, people who do not have a diploma is not necessarily incapable of work and bad character. Test results do not necessarily reflect the quality of the learners themselves. Psychological test results do not necessarily reflect the character, personality, or the potential of the test participants. There are many other possibilities.
In the year 2012, we need to be more open-minded. We need to better use the paradigm of "not necessarily" in our daily lives. More and more people can no longer be classified in one category of modality (either the religious or the moral polite). Our world is increasingly filled with things that are "not necessarily".
Let us not be deceived, or the one making the act, because we still hold to the naive assumptions are not proven. There are many other possibilities behind these assumptions, which is precisely the opportunity to be creative and produce quality stuff. 2012 is a new year, but "not necessarily" all of us can think anew. Hopefully the latter is not true. "Not necessarily" ..... ***Source: The House of Philosophy


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