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Friday 18 May 2012

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Karel Agung (Charlemagne)
Charlemagne the Great, or Charlemagne (France: Charlemagne; Latin: Carolus Magnus or Charles Magnus; German: Karl der Große; English: Charles the Great, Italian: Carlo Magno) (742 or 747 - 28 January 814), is the king of the Franks from 768 to 814 and the Lombards from 774 to 814. He was crowned Imperator Augustus in Rome on Christmas Day 800 AD by Pope Leo III, and therefore is considered a founder of the Holy Roman Empire (the title of Karel I). Through conquest and defense, he established and developed the power to cover most of Western Europe. He is often considered the founding father of French and German, sometimes even as a founding father of Europe. He was the first emperor in the West since the collapse of the Roman Empire.Charlemagne, who was the grandson of Carl Martel, the hero of the rescue of Europe, ending the era of the barbarians in Europe by becoming the first government recognized by the Pope and was baptized into Christianity since the days of kings barbaric Odoaker. The nations of Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire did not have Christian government, and fell into the hands of barbarian nations of Northern Europe, are now reunited under the rule of Charlemagne. With the unity of the war had become rare and people under the rule of Karel I can focus on to other things such as education, culture, religion, and finance. Arab countries during the Middle Ages progress rapidly, slowly began to lag behind the Europeans who began to be reordered based on Christian teachings. These advances are still apparent today.

In the year 771, when Charlemagne ascended the throne, he began with the conquest for three decades. He pushed the borders of his kingdom to the east and eventually he controlled Burgundy, mostly Italian, Alamania, Bavaria and Thurginia. In the north he ruled Saxony and Frisia. To the east of the area, it creates areas with a special military organization called the marches. Areas that stretches from the Baltic to the Adriatic Sea. For the first time, most Europeans enjoy a stable leadership.

Up on Christmas Day 800, Charlemagne holds the title of king of the Franks. On that holy day, Pope Leo II crowned him as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and Western Europe once again seem to have an emperor who follow in the footsteps of Constantine the Great.

Although Charlemagne little educated, under the reign of peace come true revival of art and science known as the Renaissance or the Resurrection Karolingia Karoling. Emperor is sponsoring a school of imperial palace in the capital, Aachen. Alcuin, an Anglo-Saxon scholar became a teacher there, he advised his students: "Time is like water flowing. Do not waste your days lazing study with! "Alcuin wrote textbooks on grammar, spelling, rhetoric and logic. He also writes reviews-reviews the Gospel, and in favor of the orthodox understanding in a variety of theological debate.

Resurrection Karolingia managed to maintain many writings of the ancient world. Because the monks make copies of ancient Latin works - some of which are adorned with beautiful - the monasteries had become "bank culture". In many ways, without the labors of the monks, the ancient works have been lost from our reach.

At the time of chaos and war, Charlemagne government gave political and cultural stability. He ensures that the West will maintain the heritage of this ancient, that Christianity would spread across his empire, and that will teach the basic elements of the monastery's own beliefs. He also gave the pope his protection.

Peta Wilayah kekuasaan Charlemagne
Teritory Empire Charlemagne

When Charlemagne died in 814, his empire began to break up little by little, are divided among three of her sons, and slowly the Pope was scooped up power. Kingdom of Charlemagne was divided into three after he died, a grandson to get the western part of the empire that became the forerunner of the kingdom of France, another grandson who got the eastern part became the forerunner of the German empire, and the area between the two parts were given to the grandson of a anymore.


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