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Saturday 5 May 2012

Info Post
They told me to wait for it to saturate. They told me to wait it sucks. Sometimes they say it's a waste of time to wait. But not for me.Waiting is a form of allegiance to her. She is said to be back. Who knows when. But I'm sure that's for sure.

Waiting is the way I entertain myself when longing is present in the liver lids. Waiting is the way I drive away rowdy liver.Often the heart refuses to wait. Sometimes tired of waiting for the evening when her pensive. but one thing, longing and love that are too large to have me save her the (temporarily) abandoned.I accept the appointment, not because I'm stupid. but because I believe. Believe that the heart which he was carrying was my heart. That the heart that will be united with her heart is my heart.Chronic is lonely. Noise is like the breeze that is always passed. Secret increasingly concentrated. when my heart was troubled to pass. but I'm still on my mind kekeuh. I will wait, until you exhaust the heart and find a new harbor.

Loyalty is not only a waiting pen scratches. which could be eliminated at any time. but fidelity to wait for it like a rose. Beautiful, but thorny and wounded.


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